High Voltage/New Outfit

From Create Your Own Story

There was no way I could put on the clothes I had previously picked out. The shower had changed me. Just because I wanted my old body back didn't mean I couldn't enjoy my time in this one. I was still grinning ear to ear; I can't remember a single solo experience as a guy that left me feeling this way.

I found my phone on the bed and picked it up. When I was leaving the hospital I decided to dress in the most masculine option presented, which probably just left me looking like a lesbian who had given up hope. If I was going to outwardly appear as Lauren, I would need style help. I scrolled through her Instagram account: her pictures were pretty well split between fancy looking food and selfies. The pictures of food only made me more hungry, it was the selfies I was interested in. I finally found a fall outfit that she looked pretty good in. The picture was only from two weeks ago, so all of the items should be here. I scoured the closet and found them all, laying them neatly on the bed and throwing the old outfit into the laundry.

I walked to the dresser and opened up the underwear drawer. I avoided the thongs and the bright colored ones and found some plain black panties and put them on. In another drawer I found the bras. I fished around for a matching black one, but my hand touched something hard: it was a purple vibrator! I smiled as I put it back in its place. I found a black bra and after a great deal of struggling, managed to put it on.

Next was a white tank top, followed by a blue and red plaid shirt, and a pair of jeans. The final item was a pair of tall, brown boots. I placed my feet inside and raised the zipper on the back of them. They had a slight heel to them and my feet clicked as I walked around the room.

I slightly regretted not going out to dinner with the girls. I would need to find something to eat, and I no longer really wanted a pizza. There were still two hours until I would meet Lauren. I found my car keys and got excited when I saw the BMW logo. Lauren's wealth might take as much getting used to as her body.

Should I:

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