Head to a bar as Krystal

From Create Your Own Story

You exit the mall and walk to a near by bar. You go inside the bar and start dancing to the music. When the song is over you pass a few college kids that are hanging around drinking at a table.

"Krystal is that you?" some nerdy guy says as he walks up and hugs you. He is a fat blonde and is wearing a Star Trek shirt. Searching your host's memory, you realize who this guy is. This guy plays an online video game with Krystal. His name is Danny Brooks. He has a huge crush on her, although Krystal would not touch him with a ten-foot stick. Krystal gladly accepts powerleveling and other online help from this dork.

You accept a beer from Danny and enjoy the atmosphere, chatting with the girls, laughing at Danny's lame jokes, and just taking in the scene. As the night goes by, you realize that the cum in your panties has stuck like glue to your virgin pussy.

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Asian Geek Girl
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