Good son: watch tv with Kevin

From Create Your Own Story

You don´t want to wake up the twins so you decide not to check on them.

You sit down on the coach next to Kevin to watch tv with him.

Kevin is a pretty good looking and well trained guy. You know he plays football and he is liked by a lot of girls because of that. You are kind of nervous sitting next to a cool guy like him.

The program he is watching is extremely boring and even though you feel kinda tense sitting next to him after a while you still fall asleep.

You don´t know how much time passed, but you wake some time later. The tv is turned off and it´s pretty dark inside the room.

Kevin doesn´t seem to be inside the room anymore. What now?

good son: check on the twins

good son: check on the baby

good son: turn the tv back on

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