Good son: search the house

From Create Your Own Story

You walk outside the room into the hallway. It is very dark so you almost walk into Kevin as you walk outside.

"Oh! Be careful!" he says. "Seems like it´s a power outage. I already checked on the kids. They are still sleeping. Let´s just go back to the living room and wait for the power to turn back on." he suggests.

You agree and both of you go back to the living room. You both sit down on the coach awkwardly without saying anything for about 2 minutes.

"It´s kinda weird just sitting here. But there isn´t really anything to do..." Kevin breaks the silence "let´s just ask each other questions, maybe it won´t be as awkward like this" he suggests. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

You tell him you don´t have a girlfriend right now. You ask him the same question.

"I don´t have a girlfriend right now either, but don´t ask the same question I am asking you all the time ok?" he says chuckling.

"Do you like a girl right now which you would like to go out with?" he asks.

Noone in particular comes to mind, so you just say you don´t.

good son: ask him why he doesn´t date one of the hot girls that always cheer him on at the football games

good son: ask him if he had sex with a girl before

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