Good son: caught by your sister Laura (09)

From Create Your Own Story

You don´t even hear your sister enter the room. Only as she takes of your headphones you realize her standing behind you.

"Watching porn?" she asks you with a grin on her face. She takes one side of the headphones to her ear. The volume is so loud though that you hear it too.

"Oh yes! Lick your mother´s pussy!" you hear the actress in the movie say.

"Oh my god! Is that incest porn?" she asks. You just sit there shocked with your hard dick still in your hand. You quickly pull your pants up and close the video on your computer.

"That´s kinda hot... do you only watch mother-son porn or sibling incest vids aswell?"

good son: only mother + son (09)

good son: you watch both (09)

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