Go with the man to meet the captain

From Create Your Own Story

Again with nothing else to lose, you reply with an ok to see the captain. The man slings his gun on his shoulder and holds out his hand saying "The names Jack." You stare at the hand and grasp it saying "Im Clark...Clark Rogan." With that said you and Jack set off on the way to the Scavenging lands. When you arrive at the same place you met the monster for the first time at the corner of you eye you see a group of men sitting around with digging equipment and explosives, when Jack walks up to what seemed to be a decently figured woman Jack says "ahem..Cap'n, i have brought a visitor from the town close by and he has some intresting news." The woman turns around and looks at you straight in the eyes, ou notice that she has long semi curly black hair and plush red lips, green eyes that sting the soul, and a blue trench coat as well as gray skinny pants and high heeled black boots that travel to the knee. She abruptley blurts out "What the hell kind of boy are you? You look like you got beat with the ugly stick and then fell in a fire." Feeling a little emberassed you say with out thinking "I wouldnt look this way if my whole life wasnt ruined by that damned machine!" She stares at you and says "Im sorry kid, didnt mean to hurt your feelings, but, can you tell me more about this...machine.?"

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