Go with Hulk Hogan to the hotel the TNA roster is at

From Create Your Own Story

You walk into Hulk's limo and head to the hotel.

"Orton you have a match this Thursday against the champion AJ Styles, I think it would be best if you were face first and then maybe when you prove yourself to the audience you can turn on them like CM Punk did in ROH!"

You just nod.

Hulk takes you to Room 405 on the 4th floor of the hotel. "Here's your key, the first time the hotel is paid for but from now on you'll have to pay for your own hotel rooms and travel. After all, you are an independent contractor, brother."

You got inside the hotel room and Hulk Hogan finally leaves you alone. You set down your stuff and think about what to do now that you're a TNA wrestler.

Find some TNA Knockouts and see if you can put your viper in them.

Call your wife and tell her all about being a TNA wrestler and how cool Hulk Hogan is

Kill yourself, it's probably the only way out of this failing glorified Indy company

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