Go to the stables and run away from life in the castle.
From Create Your Own Story
You pack a small chest with various items of sentimental value and clothing hurriedly.
You call in your most trusted servant, Richard. As Richard was waiting nearby to attend your every need, he arrives at you room quickly. He then notices the chest you have prepared.
"M'lady, What are you doing?" He says in utter shock. "You're not leaving, are you?"
You turn to see the same shock in Richard's face. "I have no choice, I don't want to choose a suitor and my father will be enraged at the fact I ran out on them. So I must leave."
Richard's face loses all emotion and becomes stern. "I won't help you abandon the crown, Miss Bridgette."
You fall to your knees and cry, "Please, Richard! You are the only one I trust with this information! There must be something I can do!"
Richard turns away and falls deep in thought for a moment.