Go stock up on equipment

From Create Your Own Story

You head over to the equipment shack, where the town smithy works. He's not too smart, but no one can craft a suit of armor or weapons like he can.

"Hello." you say as you enter, seeing the smithy sweating away at a new battle ax.

"Oh, what do for you?" he asks as he wipes his brow.

"I'm going to find a mate today, and I don't want to go out unequipped. Have anything I could use?"

The smithy steps out from his work area and takes a quick look at you. "Hm, you small. Me have... three armor for size."

He points you to a small section of the shack, and you see three suits of armor and weapon next to them. The first is a suit of leather armor, that comes with a bow and arrow. Good for quick movements, but light on defense. Next to it is a suit of chainmail, with a sword and board. Best for close quarters one on one combat. Finally there a full suit of plate armor, with a large battle ax. This is the suit you want if you're taking on multiple foes.

Health Horny, needing a mate Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 100
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