Go outside and look for mischief to make in the neighborhood

From Create Your Own Story

You go into Brandon's room and give him one last hug. "I'm going out for a bit," you tell him. "Be good."

"Okay, Mom," he replies. You make a quick snack to fortify yourself and after eating it, you head on out. It's a beautiful day for a walk.

You see Jill Parsley, a cheerleader for the local high school, walking out to her car. Apparently she's decided it's too nice of a day to spend inside a stuffy classroom. Turning your head, you see a suspicious-looking Hispanic man, tall and muscular, sitting in a van marked "Emilio's Deliveries." You judge from certain clues you pick up that he is probably an undercover agent for the federal government in some capacity. He's a handsome-looking fellow, probably in his late 20's, and you wouldn't mind him making a special "delivery" inside one of your orifices...

You are possessing:
Young-Looking, Pretty Mother
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