Go out to ride to school with Steve and Amy

From Create Your Own Story

You skip out the door and down your driveway, to Steve's car.

Amy, a hot half-Chinese babe, is sitting in the backseat. You wave at her as you open Steve's passenger door.

"Don't sit up there," Amy says. "Steve can't drive straight with a hottie sitting next to him."

"Oh, right, like I won't be at all distracted with you two making out right behind me," Steve says.

You hesitate. You know that you're going to get groped no matter where you sit... and your pussy is tingling in anticipation. You're too horny to care who does the groping, just so long as someone puts their hands on you.

And maybe their mouths.

And maybe other things....

Do you:

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Tight pink T-shirt, short skirt, pink panties, backpack with notebook and cheerleader's outfit, blackberry

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group Cheerleader
Boyfriend/Girlfriend none
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