Go look for Famine and Conquest first

From Create Your Own Story

If the "preacher" can get Famine and Conquest on his side, the other two shouldn't be a problem. So off you go. You know already where Famine is. It takes longer to walk there than when you were possessing Tyrone, because your legs are much shorter and your body isn't designed for physical exercise, but you do make it to the ghetto area where Famine lives.

Unfortunately, this new body doesn't command the same respect as Tyrone. You get mooed at several times, jeered, hissed and even attacked -- some moron tried to jump you from the side, but in spite of your body's physical infirmities, you use your demonic strength to land a couple of hard punches to the guy's jaw. Word must have gotten around, because it's the only time you are assaulted.

When you reach the abandoned crack house, it takes you a while to get to the top floor, as there is no elevator and Monica's body isn't made for climbing stairs. Puffing a bit, you open the door to see a smiling Famine.

"Welcome," she purrs. "Are you homeless? How can I help you?"

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