Give it both

From Create Your Own Story

Normally, human hermaphroditism is impossible and any that are born die young. Even if they were to survive, the child would be infertile, unable to impregnate or be impregnated. However, you're a supernatural being and one of your many powers in your repertoire is to defy biological limitations should you be possessing a fetus, egg, or sperm cell. As a result, this child will be born a perfect hermaphrodite, with both a fully functional womb and testies, separate from the ovaries. This is a biological anomaly will catapult the child and their family into fame, as scientists struggle to understand what made this happen.

You are born Adrian. This little child has no future, however, for they have no soul within their body. Only you, and if you leave they'll be comatose until you return. Your time in the womb is enjoyable, rocked to sleep every night by Anna and Jodi’s sessions of hardcore sex and warmed up by Jodi’s cum as a blanket. You are born a healthy baby and will become a healthy child, who will grow into a healthy adult, with double the hormones of a normal person, due to having both functioning testicles and ovaries. That is, unless you choose to screw with the development of this child. The choice is yours.

You are possessing:
Newborn ghetto-ite
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