Girl Scout Cookies/Make Claire stay

From Create Your Own Story

Locking the door with a menacing scowl, you inform Claire, "That wasn't the deal. You agreed to let me do anything I want with you. No limits were specified and no option for you to skate early if you changed your mind. You are in breach of our agreement. Since our verbal contract is not something that could ever be ruled on by a court of law, I'm going to apply my own penalty clause--every time you balk and attempt to renege on our agreement, I'm going to double the time and restart the time from scratch. I'm going to use you as my personal fucktoy for the next two hours. Care to resume your punishment position or shall we go for four?"

"You can't do that! Let me out of here right now! Lin knows where I am and how long I'm supposed to take. If I don't leave after an hour, she'll call the cops!"

"No she won't," you say with an evil grin, "and do you know why?"

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