Girl Scout Camp/Wake Zoe up

From Create Your Own Story

You gently shake Zoe’s shoulders. “Zoe… Zoe…” you whisper. Her eyes slowly open; maybe more quickly than they should if she was really awake. “Do you know where you are?”

Zoe blinks her eyes and looks directly at you. She seems about to say something, but then looks down demurely. “Um… what am I doing here?” she asks.

“I woke up to find you here,” you say.

She lifts one hand up, starting to reach towards you, but then stops. She thinks for a moment and then retracts her hand saying, “Maybe… I guess I was sleepwalking…”

“Are you okay,” you ask her. “Do you want to stay here?”

Again a pause for thought. “No, I should go back to my tent,” she says quietly. You can tell that part of her really wants to stay, but she’s not brave enough to act on that part. You help her up and crawl out of your tent. You both walk quickly back towards Zoe’s tent. You lead Zoe inside and tuck her into her sleeping bag. “Sweet dreams,” you say to her, giving her a light kiss on her forehead.

“You too,” she replies. “Good night.”

You close up her tent and head back to yours. You tumble into your sleeping bag and quickly fall asleep.

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