Furry World/Male Dragon-Rabbit/Get to know Lily

From Create Your Own Story

You head over to the table where Lily's talking with Cheval and Bill. She sees you and quickly turns and waves. "Hiii, Ron! Welcome to Mariposa Studios!"

You smile. "Hey, thanks. Your name is Lily, right?"

"Yep, that's me! I'm the admin and receptionist and a whole bunch of other things here. Need anything done, just ask!" She really sounds like she's drunk way too much coffee. She looks up at you, leaning slightly as though to see the back of your head. "So what's your secret? How'd you get those ears?"

They always ask about the ears. "My dad was a dragon, so I got most of me from him. The ears and feet came from my mom." You grin and add, "And a few other traits."

The chinchilla giggles. "I didn't know a dragon and rabbit could make a hybrid like you! That's so neat! I think they make you look really interesting, personally. I think our viewers would love to see that."

You blush. "You really think so? They're kinda weird. Like, who's gonna take a dragon seriously when he's got bunny lop ears?"

She giggles again. "Maybe if they were pink! But yours are red and black, and they go so well with that red fur around your scales. People love exotic stuff, and that's about as exotic as it gets!"

You rub the back of your head, something you've learned to do when you need to stall for time. You just can't keep up with this chatterbox of a woman! "Well, I guess we'll see what happens, then."

You turn your attention back to the chinchilla. "So, how'd you get involved with Mariposa, anyway?"

"Oh, I was looking for a job, and Barbara had an ad out for an admin. It said 'production company', so I figured it couldn't be too bad. I never knew it was gonna be a porn studio, though! It threw me for a loop! But Barbara and Jenny and I hit it off really well and I got the job right away! And she treats everyone so nice here. Pays well, too! I can't complain."

You chuckle a bit and ask, "That's cool. Do you do any other stuff aside from admin work?"

Lily nods. "Yeah, every once in a while I get to be an extra in some of the shoots. I'm not really star material, but when they need an extra girl to get banged or something, I usually sign up. Sometimes a little hard to do that because I'm so small, though."

"I'll bet it can be a challenge. But I think you're pretty cute. I bet you show up well on camera."

She claps her hands together. "Why thank you!" Her excited expression turns flirtatious. "Who knows? Maybe I'll get to see more of YOU in one of those shoots. Or elsewhere." She winks, then adds, "It was good to meet you, Ron! I gotta finish talking shop with the guys here. See you around!"

You chuckle. "Heh, okay! Thanks for chattering-- I mean, chatting with me." You blush a bit, but she just grins with her eyes closed, then flips back to the two crewmates.

So, still feel like chatting with people? Nobody else can possibly be as exhausting as this!

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Man stuff

Gender Male
Species Dragon-Rabbit

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