Forest of Drea… J.K.

From Create Your Own Story

You open your eyes to darkness. Figuring you must’ve simply woken up late; you stand and stretch, yawning. Then you take a real look around as your eyes adjust.

The trees are such a dark shade of brown, they look almost black. The wind as it slides through you sends shivers up your spine. With a jerk, you realize that even though the wind is blowing (if that can even be considered a wind), not a leaf is stirring. The forest is still, and uncomfortably silent.

You pause a moment to take it in (as disagreeable as it is), then you awkwardly leap forwards. Your head still feels incredibly heavy, so you decide to search for another lake, since the last one eased the weight a bit while you were in it.

You lift your nose to the air to see if you could smell any water and breathe in. You’re flooded with different smells and for a few seconds your mind reels with it all until you get a grip on everything.

You manage to sort through various forest and Pokemon smells until you finally get a whiff of water. You immediately stop smelling and charge off, following the scent. The creepy wind follows you, blowing your (is that a mane?!) fur around (and in your face) and you have to take care not to trip on the odd white streamers.

The first time you stepped on a ribbon, you felt a flash of pain and you realized with a pang that those were your tails.


As you pad on through the trees, you get the uncomfortable feeling you’re being watched. That might just be your growing headache though.

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