Follow the footprints with Mike

From Create Your Own Story

The tents must have been searched several times already. You don't think you'll find anything new in there. You decide to follow the footprints. There must be an answer at the end of the trail.

Mike takes the lead, with you right behind him. The soldier covers the rear. As you walk, you and Mike begin chatting.

"Nice Linda Hamilton move with that shotgun back there," Mike says. "It's good to have people here who can carry their own weight in a fight."

"Thanks," you say. "It's probably best that Buster went back. I think the closest thing to experience with weapons that he has is playing video games."

Suddenly, there is a faint scream behind you, then silence. You and Mike whirl around. The soldier is gone. He's vanished into thin air. "Oh, shit," both of you say at exactly the same time.

"We have to find him," says Mike.

"How do we do that?" you ask. "There's no trace of him. Not even any footprints."

Health {{{Health}}} Equipment:

Warm clothing, shotgun, spare box of shells

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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