Explore a little bit until its time to head back

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to explore a little and quench the thirst of adventure boiling in your blood. After about thirty minutes of climbing rubble followed by going up and down steep paths, you find a nice piece of sheet-metal sticking from some rubble. With the idea of bringing back "something" you decide to try and break off some pieces of sheet. Grasping the sides of the metal, you pull as hard as you can, tugging back and forth until you hear a snap and following behind the noise a fall onto your rump. Sitting there feeling acomplished you here another snap, and then a loud moan of bending metal as an avalanche of rocks and scrapped metal started to fall towards you. In a frantic attmept to run, you flop about on the ground like a fish before getting to your feet and running like a mad man. You trip and fall, but to your luck the pile of junk had stopped right at your feet, whipping the sweat of fear from your brow, you stand up and look into the dusty fog producing from your last location. Coughing and hacking you wave your hand in front of you until most of the dust had cleared, and to your surprise, what seemed like a big metal hand was sticking up out of some of the rubbel that had been revealed.

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