Examine the bunny's naked body

From Create Your Own Story

Instead of handing over the dress, you grab the bunny's wrists and move her hands aside so you can better examine her naked body. Her breasts are small and high and her slit is shaved bare.

"Back off, mister," the farm girl says. "Ain't right for a man to be up close and personal with a naked lady when he's fully dressed."

"Yeah, back off!" the naked bunny says.

"So either give her the dress or get yourself naked," the farm girl says.

"Yes, so either...," the bunny says. "What?"

You eagerly pull off your clothes. The farm girl licks her lips.

"Hey, if we're all getting naked, then she has to get naked, too!" the bunny says.

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Health Horny Location:

The Farm House

MP 0
Level 3
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