Decide to give up the fight and go home

From Create Your Own Story

This is more danger than you bargained for. You were looking to fight normal monsters, not invincible ones. You call the airline and book a flight home leaving tomorrow morning.

You continue your adventurous life - climbing the Alps, scuba diving in the Caribbean, camping in Alaska. As weeks and months go by, the memories of the demonic warlord fade. Unfortunately, things have been set in motion that cannot be undone.

Returning home from your latest trip, you toss your bags into your bedroom, then settle onto the couch and turn on the TV. Your regular programming is suddenly interrupted by a breaking news bulletin. Massive armies of skeletons are attacking several cities in South America. You stare at the screen in horror.

The war that erupts soon grows to be global and becomes known as World War S. As it continues, it soon becomes clear that the humans are losing.


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