Daniel McCarthy, a lawyer who works in City Hall

From Create Your Own Story

You select Mr. Daniel McCarthy as your first customer; the other two seemed fairly dangerous to you....

"Well, let's do this," McCarthy says, without looking at you. As he leads you to the men's restroom, you notice that his eyes dart around the room, in all directions. He must be shady, you deduce.

Once in the restroom, McCarthy gestures toward the second to last stall. You enter the stall, not sure if you're feeling eager or anxious.

He follows you and calmly closes and locks the stall door.

"So," he begins, gazing at you with a warm smile, "what's your specialty?"

"My what?" you reply, dumbfounded.

"Don't tell me you don't have a specialty," he says, genuinely surprised.

Thinking on your feet, you tell him...

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