D&D: With a hand through your hair, you take a full strand and let it drift over the mirror

From Create Your Own Story

The hair falls to the mirror, fluttering down in the air in a natural dance toward the ice. It touches the surface, and as the rest of the strand settles over the cold, the hair pulls inside the pool. Once completely absorbed, it disperses inside of the water underneath the ice, and an image begins to take form; an eye opens in the shape of the pool, looking around the room and you. You smile and nod to it once you have it's undivided attention, and it replaces the image with a hand that waves its fingers in greeting.

"Hello Talenei" you speak aloud, the mirror letting the images fade, returning to it's water-face with a never ending stream of ripples in the center, anticipating a request.

D&D: Ask the mirror to reveal an activity you can try

D&D: Ask the mirror to locate an unknown item of value

D&D: Ask the mirror who the fairest in the land is

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