D&D: FHW: Beg the necromancer for mercy.

From Create Your Own Story

"If it wasn't me, anyone else could be here," you shout, shifting your hips side to side to avoid the monster. "But you're lucky it's me. Please, let me help you! I don't want this!"

The necromancer laughs. "Help me, is that so? Ha! Take her clothes!"

The flesh golem grabs your roughly with its one arm and tears off your sewage ridden robes, tossing the fabric aside. You can feel blood and bones prickling against your bare skin, prodding the most sensitive areas. You might be disgusted, however, the erotic stimulation forces your body to reach a kind of climax, dripping your fluids onto the golem and into the sewer.

"Hm, maybe you are the right fit for my next experiment," the necromancer ponders, holding her monster still. "But you won't like your other choice any more than this, I don't think." With a wave of her hand, the monster picks you up and climbs out of the sewer, following its master through the portcullis to a small room with an altar.

Placed at the center is a skull with a rotting tongue that stretches an unnatural length out of the jaw. The entire artifact is encased in amber, including the tongue, preserving its deathly state.

"You will serve me to becoming Mistress of Death, wizard," she smirks at you, lifting up the skull. "In here lies a fragment of Death, and he has promised me an army of servants as long as I act as his will in this world."

She clicks you tongue and the golem lifts you up, exposing your ass. The amber is a cold you've never felt before. As she prods it roughly into your body, you feel life drain from you. It crawls up through your stomach, taking hope from your heart. But it's not just a sensation, you begin to lose your breath until a spurt of black slime crawls its way out of your mouth, restricting your breathing. It grows a skull of white eyes and pitch-black ooze, trailing down to you sex and teasing it with a rotten black tongue.

You want to yell at it to stop, but the best you can do is squeeze your legs together to lock it out. The necromancer, however, forces your legs apart and begins licking up your pussy herself, readying it for Death to penetrate you.

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