Crawl up her pussy to her womb

From Create Your Own Story

It isn’t an easy climb, since her pussy is slick and her walls keep moving, squeezing you and releasing you. You wonder briefly if your movements inside her are getting her off, but mostly you concentrate on moving upwards and inwards.

You reach your goal at last, the open expanse of her womb. You tumble into it, weightless as if there were no gravity here. You’re so overwhelmed by the experience that you don’t even notice the egg in your way until you collide with it. The egg pulls you inside itself as if you were a sperm cell. Your consciousness fades as you’re absorbed by it.

Nine months later, you’re born again, your mind wiped clean of your previous life’s knowledge.

The Beginning.

Health Newborn Location:

The Maternity Ward

MP 0
Level 1
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