Conduct a random apartment inspection?
From Create Your Own Story
You take your list of tenants, tape it to the wall, and from about 5 yards away throw a dart. When you walk over, you see that your dart has selected apartment 12b. A woman in her mid-forties, Cyndy, lives there alone. You recall that her hair, formerly jet-black, now is salt-and-pepper and her body has gotten a bit thick the past few years. But she has a nice chest and a sweet personality, and you wouldn't object if somehow you ended up in her bed.
You walk over and knock on the door. Cyndy smiles at you as you explain you're just doing a routine inspection. She's dressed in a sundress with a low-cut top that stops about mid-thigh. It's a hot day and you wonder if she's naked underneath it.
Your inspection reveals all to be well. Thinmking about Cyndy as you move from room to room has you turned on, and by the time you're done 10 minutes after you enter, you're tenting your pants.