Christmas Story Games / Random Roll 2

From Create Your Own Story

Christmas Story Games

Konner's Game: Part 5/5


The Story:


You roll against your teammates and get a 23. You lose. Soldier 76 equips the powerful new weapon and everyone splits up. You stick with the Widowmaker though. The two of you gain level three from the instance and decide not to go back to town. You've heard enough spam for one day. The two of you take to questing instead, although it isn't quite as easy without the awesome weapon one of you could of had. For the most part you manage to pick off mobs from a distance before they can reach you but every once in a while something gets close and gives the two of you a scare.

The quests are massive and varied, from saving a kid from a pack of wolves to defending a ship going down a river and even escorting an extremely slow gnome down a wooded path. Pretty annoying and hard for two long range characters! Eventually you level up to 10 and decide to head to the next town. The gear just isn't good enough here. You run into a 40-man raid on your way across a vast plain but they don't accept you because your gear isn't quite good enough. The two of you pick up a few quests as you travel across the great plains and start hunting its creatures.

You hunt and snipe little magical ponies into extinction then wait around for spawns with everyone camping the next quest. All the while a massive stone giant walks around, neutral but intimidating. The two of you ignore it and the fat Widowmaker fills the down time with talks of his past MTG championships and Dungeons and Dragons games. You are so distracted that you make the most unlucky scatter of your life. One random arrow bounces off a tree into a boulder to strike the wandering stone giant and aggro him into aggressive.

The two of you run, but there is no hope. The creature is massively powerful for your level. The nearby raid gathering decides to help, but not before the massive stone giant squashes you and the Widowmaker. You never wake up from the VR game.


Game Over

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