Check out inside the idle train
From Create Your Own Story

You enter the idle train and notice immediately that you are not alone. A homely man, in his 40's, balding, possibly of middle eastern decent, is standing against the the train wall. He doesn't make eye contract with you, instead just choosing to lock his vision on the floor in front of him.
"I have been waiting for you" he speaks as you walk closer
"Yes yes... a while... a good while... a GREAT while.... oh my oh my oh my!" he says as his whole body begins to shake with violent delight
"Who are you? And where is everyone?" You ask looking to get to some answers
"Oh in due time in due time..." He stutters in response... stalling for a moment
"But first we might prepare!" He commands
"Prepare what?" You ask
"PREPARE YOU!" he responds with great delight
At that moment he slaps you. It is a powerful slap, a slap to go down in history as it is so powerful and so full of fury that you fall flat unconscious. You are not dead... but you feel the train beginning to move and your whole world beings to spin....
The train is going somewhere... but where you wonder? Who is this man? Why me?
Do you:
World's End Status | ||
Health | 100 | Equipment:
Location | NYC |