CYS: Check on your neighbor, Jessie

From Create Your Own Story

You remember Jessie, your next door neighbor. She was a good friend, your only friend in the neighborhood in fact. She had always been nice, helping you when ever she could, whether it was moving or with work and relationships. One might even think you fancied her. She was a sweet woman, friendly but not capable of much violence, hell she couldn't hurt a fly. You wouldn't be able to leave without making sure she was safe. As you turn to head to her house, you hear your front door slam open from behind you. You turn to see Freddy step out, looking around your yard, before spotting you and sprinting to you. You take a step back as Freddy reaches you and grabs your arm. "Jake, where the fuck are you going?!" A tall guy, around 6'7, he is massive. He towers over you, with the same grin that is always on his face. Black shaggy hair, and tan skin and dark green eyes, he wore a large urban-camo jacket. You try to speak, but before you could get the words out, the large man looked over your shoulder at the chaos, before grabbing your arm and dragging you inside. As you tried to make sense of everything that was happening, Fred slammed the door shut and locked it.

Feeling understandably angry, as frank turned to you, his stupid grin plastered on his face like usual, you slugged him right in the jaw. He stumbled back and leaned against the door, rubbing his chin as he looked at you. he never stopped grinning, instead shrugging "guess I deserved that" "Damn right you do" you responded, grabbing your hand, damn that hurt. "So, you gonna tell me what the Hell is going on?" Fred just talks over his shoulder, still looking "I'll tell you later, when we have time. Hey, where is your gun? could have sworn you had one" You sigh, walking upstairs and into the hallway "It's in the attic. Give me some light and i'll get it" Fred tosses the flashlight, and you pull down the ladder, heading up to the attic. Up there is a chest that is full of your granddads stuff from WW2. Next to it is your rifle. An AR-15, you bought it in case of emergencies, and you think this qualifies as a emergency. You pick it up, along with the ammo, before heading back down. Fred was in the middle of packing some clothes into a back pack. He turns toward you, and grins when he see's the rifle. You sling it around your shoulder, before repeating your question "So, you gonna tell me whats going on?" Fred ignores you. You repeat yourself a little louder. Fred sighs and looks you in the eye, his grin gone now " I would tell you, but we don't have time right now. So please, just go downstairs and get some food"

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