From Create Your Own Story

"I'll have the house special," you say, injecting enough swagger to make it seem as though you're a regular customer.

"Coming right up," the bartender replies. "Grilled t'surys and a pint of ambrostine."

[While you're waiting for your appetizer and drinks, you should get familiar with your status bar. Instead of health points, there is a physical description that indicates whether you have any injuries, their location, and their severity. The physical description will also track illnesses or other conditions. You can heal most of these conditions at medical centers.

Your equipment lists the clothing and armor you are currently wearing. Your inventory catalogs the items you have in your possession. Your credits have their own display.

Your influence tracks the attitudes of significant NPCs toward your character. Negative influence indicates that you have upset this character. Positive influence indicates that this character is happy with your character. Gifts, purchased by vendors or gained through missions, can raise this influence level. Any romantic relationships you have will be indicated with an "R." If you happen to be a player, take care not to let your love interests encounter each other or sparks will fly!

Now that the explanation is over, let's get back to the story.]

Your meal arrives and you eat it with relish. Even the spongewort garnish tastes good after a long day of travel. The ambrostine is sweet and goes down easy. You might consider ordering that again sometime. You roll your shoulders, feeling some of the tension go out of you as you do so.

Suddenly, a suave-looking young man plops himself down on the bar stool next to you, tossing his light blond bangs out of his face as he does so. You immediately recognize that he is a Mandalorian by his heavy white armor. He has a distinctive black tattoo across his right cheek. His dark hazel eyes glitter with interest. "Hello there, little lady," he says smoothly. "You look like you could use a stronger drink. Name's Tarro Blood and it'll be my treat."


Equipment:Gray jumpsuit, black boots, black gloves, belt with single holster, worn green armor(D+2), level 1 blaster(A+1)

Inventory: Earpiece translator, datapad, wrist holocommunicator

Credits: 35


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