Ask your prince to take advantage of your helplessness

From Create Your Own Story

"My lady, I cannot take ... It is not proper ..." His protestations seem more feeble than they had been to start with, and when you glance down at his crotch you see that his dick is getting hard at the sight of you chained up. He just needs a little bit more encouragement, you think. "You are a princess and ..."

"And you are a prince!" you interrupt him. "Everyone must show you a proper level of respect and obedience. Even your princess ..."

"Yes," he says slowly, as though pondering the idea. "You must obey me." Even said in this halting, hesitating way, the words generate a new gush of wetness from your pussy.

"It is my duty," you tell him. "You are my liege, and although I may be a princess, I am still your servant."

"My servant," he says, almost wistfully. Then, more firmly, "You are my servant who must obey me."

"Yes," you say, the word coming out as a hiss as you squirm with arousal at his newfound determination. "How may I serve you, my prince?"

The prince seems to be hesitating again. Looks like you'll have to suggest something.

What do you say?

Health Horny & Female Location:

Fairytale Castle

MP 0
Level 3
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