Ask the Wrapped One to save Dero... this once.

From Create Your Own Story

"Hey, Wrapped One, Dero needs you," you speak loudly.

"Of course. You need a miracle? Fine."

The rapids which Dero was riding down begin to slow and become shallow, making it easy to walk against the current. Dero subsequently walked through the shallow rivers, yet somehow found himself in a different place then where he had began.

He was now deep into the woods and the rocks have crunched up into a small but narrow valley, narrowing the river down to a stream as a consequence.

Dero walked until he found an odd wooden gate at the end of the valley. A closed slot lay in the middle of the door, obviously awaiting to be slid open.

However, there was also a small opening in the cramped valley's wall, perhaps he could try to scale the entrance.

But he has to make a choice.

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