Ask Barbie about the things you put in her bedside table

From Create Your Own Story

"I found a few interesting items while I was tidying up," you say.

"You did?" Barbie's eyes go wide as she realises what you might be talking about. "Well, er, I--"

"It's OK," you say. You lead her back through to the bedroom and open the top drawer of the bedside cabinet to show her the vibrator, book and the chain with the two little nipple clamps on either end. "I put them safely in here."

"For ease of access when I want to get myself off?" Barbie says. "How very considerate."

Your cock stiffens at a mental image of Barbie, curled up on the bed reading the book with one hand as she pumps the dildo in and out of her cunt with the other, her nipples stimulated by clamps she has put on herself. There's only one thing wrong with the picture: she's alone. "Get yourself off?" you ask. "You've never used any of those things with a man?"

"I've heard a lot of men are threatened by the idea of some fake cock supplementing their own," Barbie says.

"And what about the nipple clamps?"

Barbie's eyes widen further. "I don't want people thinking I'm a freak!"

You kiss her again. "But I already know you're a freak," you tell her. "So ..."

"So?" she says, scrambling backwards onto the bed and lying down, legs splayed as though hungry for the dildo, and chest thrust outwards in a very obvious invitation to apply the nipple clamps.

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Barbie's Palace

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Level 4
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