Ask "What crew?"

From Create Your Own Story

"Ahem..." the man trails off, but you're insistent.

"Well, Ronny can be a bit rough around the edges, but basically he's a decent bloke."

You patiently wait.

"Yes... Redden, on the other hand... You see, there's something wrong with his head. But he's a friendly chap, that's for sure, and he's the best hunter and tracker around."

"Then there's McKinney. He has a bit of a criminal record, apparently he loves his animals a wee bit too much, but for some reason Ronny tolerates him..." The man shrugs.

"And oh, the Coward!" He smiles inwardly. "He's not really a coward, that's just his name. He's the ski instructor, but I would call him the booze instructor, if you get my meaning..."

You're not entirely sure you like the sound of this...


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