Ardenstone - Day 2 - Page 1g

From Create Your Own Story

Rays of sunlight broke through unfamiliar curtains in an unfamiliar room, and Kas woke to the feel of an unfamiliar bed. The warmth of the morning stirred her from a dream. Her stomach rumbled, and settled again as she lay there thinking that something did not feel right. Suddenly she realised that her head was not resting on a pillow, but on someone else, for she could feel their chest rise and fall with each shallow breath. She opened her eyes, and memories of the night before flooded back to her mind. The pictures on the wall, the tidy room, and of course, Korvan, upon who's chest she had slept. He was lying on his back, facing away from her. His blonde head resting upon a single soft pillow. But it was the pictures that caught her attention first. Kas stared at a few that were close enough to see clearly without moving her head too much. They were all hand drawn, Korvan's own work she guessed, some in colour and others just in shades of grey pencil. The subject of each appeared to be similar though, depicting girls wearing very little or nothing at all.

Some of the pictures showed men as well, and most of those were sexual in nature. Various positions and acts. She recognised two or three of his characters repeated around the room, like cartoon characters in a magazine. There were captions too, with text. The more she looked, the more Kas saw. The characters were of varying ages, some older with breasts, other clearly children. She noticed one that looked remarkably like Jade, and others that seemed to be a representation of Kim, although she couldn't be sure. There was a talent to his artwork unlike anything she had seen before, and the content was extraordinarily detailed. Every curve and crevice of each character's body drawn with painstaking detail. The concept of children doing such things seemed wrong to her, and yet Kas found the pornographic style of his art strangely arousing. Korvan clearly had a thing for under aged girls, evidenced by the vague memory that floated in her mind and th ache between her legs where his penis had been. Kas tried to shift herself over to get a better look at one of the larger drawings, when she touched something beneath the covers, which made her pause.

Kas realised what it was almost instantly, but she hadn't touched his penis with her own hand before, nor anyone else's for that matter. It was no shock that he had slept naked, but she was surprised that his penis was standing hard and erect even though he was asleep. It seemed even bigger than it had felt inside her, and the thought of it made the ache down there more prominent. She held his penis, feeling its shape and the pulse of blood between her fingers, that was keeping it warm and hard. Kas didn't know what to do, she felt slightly embarrassed, but while part of her conscious mind told her to let go, an equal part was telling her not to. The result was that her grip shifted hesitantly, and she moved her fingers over the soft skin in a random fashion. At which point, Korvan awoke.

What should Kas do?

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