Amy’s cover is blown off by a nearby breeze

From Create Your Own Story

Amy's cover was completely blown off of her from a sudden gust of wind. She is seen on all fours butt naked, without any clothes, undies, gloves, boots and socks on, in front of multiple people giving shocked gasps, camera clicks, and laughter.

Amy promptly stood up and covered herself with her arms. She crossed her cute bare feet over each other while hugging her breasts in an attempt to cover up with her arms. She smiled nervously at everyone, hoping to "play it cool" in a really pathetic way as her face turned bright red.

Amy: Hehe...uh...hey everyone! Please uh...don't look this way! I'm naked...please don't stare! H-hey! Quit taking pictures! S-stop staring! I'm naked!

What does Amy do now that she’s exposed?

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