Allow Duran and his men to slaughter the beast

From Create Your Own Story

Duran and his men make short work of the beast; it lets out an unearthly screech as the guards' swords hack into it, but with seventeen blades cutting in to its torso the snake does not have much of a chance to do anything. Fortunately, its scales do not appear strong enough to ward off your father's steel. The serpent does not bleed, but instead lets out sparks of blue energy which carry into the crystals studding the cave as it perishes.

The rune overhead glows bright blue, seeming to amplify this effect. Wave after wave of energy rushes through the cave, carrying with it something like the noise of a rushing wind that generates tangible vibrations. The beast is dead, but somehow you are certain the physical world has been irrevocably altered.

"Let's get out of here" Duran mutters, sheathing his sword.

Duran, yourself, and the guard turn to file out of the cavern the way you came in. However, something is not right; the cave does not appear to have the same structure as when you first entered. The corners are wrong, and rather than growing more sparse, the faintly glowing crystals now become thicker and grow closer together. Soon, you come to a branch in the cave: the left hand path continues upward, the crystals glowing iridescent blue, becoming almost violet and purple at some angles with an increasing intensity. You can't be sure, but you think you hear a voice coming from this direction. The right hand path levels off, crystals becoming a hazy green.

"Which way, Mi'lady?" Duran asks with resignation.

The left hand path with the iridescent blue crystals

The right hand path with the hazy green crystals

Health 100 Equipment:

Heavy Dress, Expensive Jewelry, Artful Dagger, Fur-lined cloth boots

Stamina 35
Mood Fearful Inventory:


Purse 1050, 00, 00
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