Agree to wait with the carriage while Duran investigates

From Create Your Own Story

Duran takes fifteen of the healthy guard with him and leaves to investigate the trail the marauding kobolds left.

Nightfall comes, there is no word or sign of Duran and his men. The three able guards are looking anxious, but the one left in charge is able to maintain some semblance of order while the maids tend to the injured. "We wait until morning, then continue on, with or without Duran and the others" he intones. The other two guard grumble, but grudgingly agree.

After a meager supper, the entourage retires for the night, posting a watch. Your carriage is comfortable enough, but the horses continue to whicker uncertainly. You worry about Duran, before drifting off into uneasy dreams.

Your eyes snap open in the dead of night. You can't be sure what time it is, but from the feeling in your limbs it must be well into the second watch. A faint blue glow is hovering outside the drawn curtains of your carriage; not the moonlight. Gathering a cloak about you, you step out into the night. The camp is fast asleep, including the watch, but this is not what immediately catches your attention.

A majestic, glowing, winged serpent is hovering near the sleeping camp, at least fifteen meters in length. Its wings contain many hues and are of an ethereal quality: you can see the moon partially obscured by clouds directly through them. Its scales glimmer and glow with an inner light that travels slowly up and down its length. The serpent's eyes are two pale lanterns, suspended beneath flowing, wizened, and almost human eyebrows.

- I am Ouroboros, Lashon Luster is my servant. I have come to protect you. Let me lead you somewhere safe.

You hear the words inside your head, rather than with your ears.

Wake the rest of the camp

Follow the mysterious, glowing serpent

Health 100 Equipment:

Cloak, Heavy Dress, Expensive Jewelry, Artful Dagger

Stamina 100
Mood Wakeful Inventory:


Purse 1050, 00, 00
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