Agree to let her turn you into a vampire

From Create Your Own Story

"Okay," you say in a frightened voice, placing your crossbow on the ground. "It looks like I have no choice."

"Excellent," cackles the vampire. In the blink of an eye, she backflips to you, stopping right in front of you. "You von't feel a thing." She opens her mouth wide. You close your eyes.

You feel a small prick on the side of your neck, as painful as being poked lightly with a toothpick, then nothing at all. You open your eyes.

You feel stronger, faster, deadlier. You have always been athletic, but now you feel superhuman. Mentally, you feel no emotions. All your humanity is gone. Your only desire is for fresh human blood.

"Go now, love," she coos. "Go verever you vant. Use your power, but use it visely. Ze world can be ours."

Taking her advice, you head back to the hotel and brutally murder the other guests one by one as they sleep. You then turn the owners, a middle-aged couple, into vampires by biting them, then decapitate them with your sword. After that, you drive away into the night.

In a newspaper at the airport the next morning, you read about how the vampires terrorizing the town were the hotel owners, explaining how they gained everybody's trust. With them dead, the police say, the murder spree will be over.

You fly back home and make a list of all the people who have wronged you in life. You take them out one by one. When you are finished, you begin killing just for fun.


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