A Knife and a baseball bat

From Create Your Own Story

You hold the knife in your hand and get a feel for using it. You give Krabs the baseball bat for now and you sprint back ot the Salty Spitoon.

Reg is still standing aginst the wall and now, with weapons in hand, you walk up to him.

"Okay, Reg. Either you let me into the Salty Spitoon or me and Krabs over here are gonna beat you."

Reg laughs and then jumps up into the air and lands in a dirt arena behind the bar. You and Mr. Krabs follow and soon all the patrons of the bar come out to see the fight.

You and Reg approach each other with caution.

Both of you are waiting for the other to make a move.

Pull out your knife in an attempt to stab Reg

Wait for Reg to attack you

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