A Girl's Night Out/“Sure, I think I’ll get a beer.”

From Create Your Own Story

"All right." She shouts over to Layla. "She wants a beer!"

The bartender snaps back. "And she's patient, unlike you!"

Layla deals with a few more customers and rushes back over. "Okay, what kind do you want?"

You have no clue. The only beers you've ever had are Budweiser and the generic brand, but something tells you that's not what these two are talking about.

"Tell you what." The bartender bends over and pulls a green bottle from a bucket of ice. "I'm kind of busy right now, so let's just go with Heineken." She twists the cap off and places the cold, dripping bottle in front of you.

The biker drops some change into the woman's open palm. "As for me, I'll take five more of the usual to start."

"Do you have to pay in change all the time?" Layla sighs, dropping the coins into what sounds like a metal box, where they land in a series of clinks and clanks. "There's machines where you can cash it in."

"Those things charge, right?" The biker folds her arms. "I'm not gonna pay for my money if I'm not even borrowin' it. That's bullshit. I'm havin' enough trouble as is."

Layla holds up her hands in defeat and walks down to the other side of the counter. "I get it, I get it."

The biker turns to you, apologetic. "Sorry 'bout my language."

"It's fine, really." After what she just said, you feel more concerned for her than anything else. But that would probably be rude to bring up now, so you decide to let it go. "But she left before I could pay for the beer."

"Nah, Layla'd never leave without her money." She laughs at the thought. "I covered for you."

"Oh." You've had guys buy you a drink before, and you always wished they wouldn't have. Now that she's the one, your heart beats a little faster. "You didn't have to do that."

"Course not. I wanted to." Her smile is daring, yet kind. "I'd like it if we could talk some more. Get to know each other. What do you say?"

"Sure, let's talk.

"Sorry, I was planning to explore this place a little more."

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