ANH: Grab some weapons and take something faster

From Create Your Own Story

"Leia, go check the wall over there for more ray guns and whatever other weapons they might have. Chewy, See if you can gain access to something fast." Luke commands

"It's PRINCESS Leia," you pout, your fists defiantly on your nude hips, legs spread, Chewbacca's cum still trickling down your inner thighs.

"Mraaaaaaaah!!" Chewbacca agrees and runs to a nearby captured Jedi T-6 shuttle, offering more comfort than the imperial fighters.

You, Leia, run around a transporter to the ray gun storage area where they are all hanging recharging. ... and there, pointing a ray gun at your breasts, shaking, is the most beautiful Togruta female you've ever seen.

Your cunt twinges excitedly and you feel a sensation in your breasts as they begin lactation, the effect of the Togruta's powerful hormones.

You're immediately transported back in time to when you were a fourteen year old girl. You're sexual awakening was at the hands (and tongue) of a visiting, more experienced, adolescent Togruta princess. You never forgot your first lover and the wonderful experiences the two of you shared in the brief encounter.

You lower your own ray gun, "It's okay, I won't hurt you, Sweetie." She looks young and is obviously terrified, her ample pointy breasts jiggling beneath her thin garment as she shakes. She begins crying and you hold out your arms beckoning her to you.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Princess Leia Organa
A New Hope

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