AMC's The Walking Dead Season 1- HospitalMatches

From Create Your Own Story

The man walks around to the backside of the desk and looks in the drawers. You search through the items on the desk. You find a set of matches in a small basket. "I found some matches," you say. "I found a flashlight," the man says. "I'm Rick by the way. Rick Grimes." You tell him your name. You turn around and see a light flickering in the hall to your right. The two of you lean against the door and look into the window. Through the flickering light you can see the body of a woman on the ground, mangled. The skin has been torn out and bloody organs are exposed.You look away horrified and the two of you walk down the other hallway. There are row of bullet holes in the wall to your right. The floor is covered in pieces of drywall and blood. "This place looks like a war zone," says Rick. The two of you reach the end of the hallway and see a set of doors to the cafeteria, The doors have been chained up. Spray painted in black are the words, "Don't open, dead inside." You hear noises coming from inside, like something trying to get out. You back away slowly as the doors start slamming. The chain holds them shut but you can see hands coming through the crack, clawing at the chain. Rick turns away and quickly heads down the hall to your left. He looks in a hurry to get out and you follow him. He goes up to an elevator and frantically pushes the button but nothing happens. Next to the elevator is the fire exit. The two of you enter into the stairwell and the door closes behind you leaving you in complete darkness. Rick clicks the flashligh but nothing happens. "The batteries must be dead," Rick tells you. "We'll have to use the matches." Rick likes a match and the two of you descend down the stairs. The smell is unbearable, and you cough. The two of you make it to the exit and open the doors. The sunlight blinds you but your eyes slowly adjust. You are in the back of the hospital where dozens of dead bodies are layed out with sheets covring them. Rick looks like he is about to throw up. The hospital has huge holes in it and there are abandoned trucks and ambulances, also containing the bodies in sheets. You walk out of the back and up a hill. It looks like Rick was right. There is a helicopter, tanks, tents, and military equipment everywhere but it's all abandoned. You walk down the road but still see no one. There are no peple, no cars, nothing. Rick spots some bicyles in a park. The two of you get to the bikes and see what looks like a person's body on the ground, but the legs are missing. It's just a torso with ribcage exposed and intestines hanging out. The two of you get on the bikes to leave when the torso turns and starts crawling towards you. Rick falls over terrified.

Attack the body

Ride away

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