Ballerina in the dress

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:39, 5 February 2010 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)
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"Okay," the farm girl says.

"Not okay!" the bunny says. "I'm trying to get in character as a rabbit! Rabbits don't wear slinky black dresses! Rabbits eat carrots and I want a clean carrot to eat while I'm wearing my bunny costume."

"Yes, but we want t' see you in a slinky black dress," the farm girl says. "So that bunny costume will have t' come off."

She grabs the bunny girl, hauls her inside the house, and expertly strips her out of her leotard and tights. She let her keep the bunny ears on her head, but gets every other stitch of clothing off of her.

"I'm naked!" the bunny cries.

"Only for a minute," the farm girl says. "Hand me the dress, mister."

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Health Horny Location:

The Farm House

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Level 3
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