PN/Tell them you like being seen naked

From Create Your Own Story

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Your mind goes blank as you try to come up with a plausible lie. You mentally kick yourself for not having come up with one beforehand. "Well, honestly, I just really like being seen naked."

A shocked silence permeates the room for a few moments, and you're not sure who's the most surprised; you or any of them. Finally, your brother sticks out his hand with a thumb up and breaks the silence saying, "Nice."

Your mother looks at him, scandalized. "That is your sister!"

"So what? She likes being seen, I like seeing her, where's the harm?"

She opens her mouth to respond, but seems too stupefied by his question that nothing comes out.

You, meanwhile, think that this is going much better than it could have gone, at least until you notice that your dad is grabbing his phone and turning it towards you.

"Well now, how about we test how much you really like being seen, or if this is just some dumb bet or dare you're doing? Tell me, do I have your permission to takes pictures of you like this, and if so, what can I do with them?" He looks at you stoically, with one eyebrow raised. He's obviously thinking that this move on his part is going to make you rethink your actions and get dressed.

How do you respond?

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