Downfall/There is an unremarkable white bikini

From Create Your Own Story

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"I'll help you find something nice," you say. Julianne seems to be too surprised to raise protest before you delve into the rows of racks. How many pieces of bathing attire are there? And what would suit your mother best? After careful consideration, you pick up a bland white bikini. It's on sale, making it a great catch you think. You proudly present the item to her.

"Really, Will? White? Do you know what will happen when this thing gets wet?"

"What? It's a bikini. Bikinis get wet, they aren't supposed to become translucent."

Julianne looks at you sharply. "Given yesterday, are you sure you want to play the naive card here?"

What? You are speechless. You had only the best in mind, why must she hold your former mistake against you right now? "I think I better wait outside," you say, somewhat angry. You go outside and play a game on your mobile. Mobile gaming - oh, the wonders of modern technology. Over time, you calm down. Your mother surely had the right top be a bit suspicious. When she finally returns, you don't talk much. Time to head home.

State of Clothing Shirt; Light Blue Jeans; Underpants


Surroundings Staying in Julianne's room
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