It's programming time!/C++

From Create Your Own Story

So, C++!

That is one of the main ones I am learning. Why? Well, because it is used alot. I use it for online game server emulation.

cout << Please input what you call a nerd gamergirl who likes things like computers and programming.
cin >> nerdgirlname;
cout << Dirty Me is such a << nerdgirlname << "!\n";

Sorry, a little joke. cout would put something on your screen, so you would see: Please input what you call a nerd gamergirl who likes things like computers and programming.

Then, it would ask you to type something, and that something would be saved with the name: "nerdgirlname".

After that, it would show you the text "Dirty Me is such a" and then whatever you typed, then a "!" and it would go to the next line, like when you press enter here when editing.

Yeah yeah, too much xD

Anyways, so many strange things about programming!

So, pick where you want to start. The top options are the most basic, while the lower options will be less basic-y!

(Options will be added as I go through the tutorials again, since otherwise I will just jump in where I am, which is a bit more advanced than just the basic.)

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