Downfall/Cross the swamp C 2

From Create Your Own Story

< Downfall
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She who dares wins. You get on your knee and untie your sneakers. You knot the shoelaces together and hang the shoes round your neck, then you wade into the swamp. The swamp is much deeper than the creek - the water comes up to your chin - but there isn't much mud at the ground. Your feet don't sink in beyond the ankles. You cross the swamp and climb out on the other side. From the nest you take half a dozen eggs which you put inside your shoes for safety reasons. You look around and, just before you decide to head back, find a single banana tree, some of the fruits ripe. You grab a bunch of ripe bananas and make your way through the swamp back to the camp.

Cate strolls in a few minutes later, carrying two coconuts and some edible berries. Ah, the day is saved. Cate opens the coconuts, you both drink the milk and then eat to your fills.

"My clothes still aren't dry," you say. You start to undress and place your clothes on a nearby rock to (hopefully) dry over night. Cate does the same. Her breasts are usually smaller than yours, and you already sprout an A-cup. Small breasts are a family trait, with the exception of Kirsten whose breasts are quite large. While your nipples are pointing slightly upwards, Cate's nipples point directly forward. The size of her breasts didn't increase noticeably during her pregnancy; you may be up to par now.

It's not a big deal for you to undress in front of each other. Besides not having much choice, your family is relatively open about nudity. It's the most natural way, and only when Will got to a certain age, you and your daughters took care not to let him see anything. It wasn't different when you were young, and you have dressed or undressed in Cate's presence often enough. You notice Cate is shaven 'down there', just like you are. From a castaway point of view, this will likely prove advantageous, as pubic hair would could be a foothold for parasitic insects.

It quickly gets darker. Cate and you quickly gather stones to ballast your clothes and take a quick wash in the river before it gets too dark. Then you take shelter under the roof.

"You think the kids are okay?" you ask.

"They are clever, and they have the supplies from the lifeboat."

"I should go to the beach and check."

"It's too dark now, you'll get lost. They will be all right, we can check on them in the morning."

State of Clothing naked


Inventory T-Shirt; Shorts; Bra; Panties; Sneakers; Eggs; Bananas
Surroundings Roof
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