Get out of the water.

From Create Your Own Story

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You make your way leisurely back to the shallow part of the pond and begin to wade out of the water. As your body comes into view near the pond’s surface, you receive a terrible shock. Your first thought is that your skin has broken out in some bizarre rash, but this idea only lasts a fraction of a second before the realization of what you are truly seeing hits you in a horrific wave.

As you stand there naked, with the water halfway up your calves, you can see that you are covered in large, rounded black blotches, which appear to be throbbing. Your entire body below the neck has been colonized by large, slimy, bloodthirsty leeches.

There appears to be no more than a square inch of skin between any two of the parasites, and in areas where your flesh is the most tender, including your vulva, nipples and in between your buttocks, the creatures are piled on top of one another, some of them still wriggling around in search of an attachment site.

The smallest of them appear to be about an inch long, but the majority are well over three inches. The largest of them is over half a foot in length and has won itself the prime piece of real estate directly between your legs. Even while this is still small compared to that giant leech inside your womb, it's still gross. Its grotesque oral sucker is latched onto the concave fold of skin between your clitoris and right pussy lip and its body extends all the way between your legs to where its posterior sucker is attached adjacent to your anus. No part of your pussy is visible to you beneath the mass of writhing worms.

As you take in this grisly sight, you are unable to formulate a plan of action or indeed any kind of coherent thought. Instead, for more than ten seconds you simply stand there, catatonic. Then you remember that you can scream, and you begin to do so hysterically.

The rancher jogs over to see what is the matter, and after starting at the sight of you, he begins to laugh.

“Guess I should have warned you there was leeches in there,” he says. “I forget about you city girls some times. Anyways I didn’t figure you’d stay in as long as you did.”

“Get them off me!” you stammer in a hoarse, quavering voice.

“Sure, sure. But I can’t just pull ‘em of all at once. Since there are so many of them, I’d worry about all the blood you’d lose. Leech bites bleed like a sonofabitch. I never did see that many on one person before.”

“Get them off me!” you repeat, not really taking in what the man was saying.

"We’ll have to do it in stages. I’ll take off a few now, then wait for the bleeding to stop, then take off a few more, OK?”

“How long will it take?”

“Hard to say. Maybe an hour?”

At this point enough of your rational mind has returned to you to remember that you can simply leave this girl’s body whenever you want. However, you have gotten sort of attached to this nubile teen version of yourself, and you don’t really like the idea of going through the rather jarring leap to a new body. Most importantly, now that your initial panic is subsiding, this new and unexpected form of defilement is beginning to turn you on in addition to making you queasy.

You decide to:

You are possessing:
6th Grade Girl (Katy)
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