Smile and wave to the camera

From Create Your Own Story

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"Good girl!"

"Yes, freshly fucked - the very beautiful girl who has just had man. Morgan?"

The cameraman called Morgan unzips and holds your pantyhosed legs - the pantyhose is still bunched around your hips - straight up in the air leaning against his shoulder, essentially making you sit on the deep-tanned man's cock. Then Morgan gives you a happy smile, still holding the camera, and shoves a thick cock into your pussy. Your insides clench down on the two cocks, and you're really starting to pant hard.

"Radiant, fresh, womanly, that's what we go for," he says, looking you straight in the eyes, and starting a steady rhythm. Evidently this stimulation is enough for the deep-tanned man too, even though he can't really move, because you feel his already hard cock growing even more erect.

Then the man continues to explain.

"Yes, is glamor to me. Not dirty porn at all! Girl should be truly fresh, and we freshest model agency in town, with girl still sitting on cock..."

"...just like you," Morgan adds, smiling at you, and thrusting harder.

" fresh is that? Very fresh!" the deep-tanned man says.

You're about to say something, but suddenly Morgan starts humping you with brutal speed, and you can only grunt with mixed pain and pleasure. The orgasm hits you like a hammer, and you buck so violently Morgan almost drops the camera.

When you finally start coming to, you hear both men grunt, and you can feel them both cumming in sharp, spastic thrusts over and over again, almost as if they would never stop.

"You understand, sexy girl? You want to show?" the deep-tanned man finally manages to say.

Do you:

Health Horny and Hormonal Location:

Woman Body Casting

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Level 1
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